
I libri di Altreitalie



Waldinger, Roger, Howard Aldrich, Robin Ward e altri, Ethnic Entrepreneurs: Immigrant Business in Industrial Societies (Sage Series on Race and Ethnic Relations), Vol. i, Newbury Park, Sage Publications, 1990, pp. 226.

Warren, Jean-Philippe (coordonné par), Les soldats du Pape. Les zouaves canadiens entre l’Europe et l’Amérique, Laval, Presses de l’Université Lavale, 2014, pp. 143. 

Waters, Mary C., Ethnic Options: Choosing Identities in America, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1990, pp. xvii, 197.

Welch, Liliane, Fire to the Looms Below, Charlottetown, Ragweed Press, 1990.

Wilson, Ken, «Breakthrough for Dryland Farming», Farm Weekly, 27 July 2017, https://www.farmweekly.com.au/story/4816840/breakthrough-for-dryland-farming/, (last accessed 24/05/2023).

Winnick, Louis, New People in Old Neighborhoods: The Role of New Immigrants in Rejuvenating New York’s Communities, New York, Russel Sage Foundation, 1990, pp. xx-287.

Wollemborg, Leo J., Stars, Stripes, and Italian Tricolor: The United States and Italy, 1946-1989, New York, Praeger Publishers, 1990, pp. 320.

Worall, Janet E., Bonomo Albright, Carol e Di Fabio, Elvira G. (a cura di), Italian Immigrants Go West. The Impact of Locale on Ethnicity, Chicago Heights (il), American Italian Historical Association, 2003, pp. x, 232, $ 20.

Worral, Janet, La inmigración italiana en el Perú, 1860-1914, Lima, Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Lima, 1990, pp. 235.

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