
I libri di Altreitalie



Kahan-Guidi, Anna Maria e Elisabeth Weiss, a cura di, Give me strength, Italian Australian women speak, Forza e coraggio, Sydney, Women’s Redress Press Inc, 1989, pp. 213 (Gaetano Rando, 4).

Kangas, Matthew, Italo Scanga, 1932-2001, Seattle, Chihuly Workshop, 2019, pp. 158, s.p.

Katkin, Wendy F., Ned Landsman and Andrea Tyree (a cura di), Beyond Pluralism. The Conception of Groups and Group Identities in America, Champaign (ill.), University of Illinois Press, 1998.

Keast, Jenny, Valleys of Solitude: Italian Settlers of the Kalamunda District. 1890-1945, Kalamunda, Kalamunda & Districts Historical Society, 1987.

Kessner, Thomas, Fiorello H. La Guardia and the Making of Modern New York, New York, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1989, pp. 700 (Anna Maria Martellone, 4).

Kinder & JugendMuseum im Prenzlauer Berg, Istituto Italiano di Cultura Berlino, Italiener in Prenzlauer Berg. Spurensuche vom Kaiserreich bis in die Gegenwart, Berlin, Druckerei Brynda GmbH, 1997, pp. 79.

King, Robert J., The Secret History of the Convict Colony. Alessandro Malaspina’s Report on the British Settlment of New South Wales, Sydney, Allen & Unwin, pp. 179 (Gianfranco Cresciani, 6).

Kirtzman, Andrew, Rudy Giuliani. Emperor of the City New York, William Morrow, 2000, pp. xv, 333, $ 25 (Stefano Luconi, 20-21).

Kivisto, Peter e Dag Blank (a cura di), American Immigrants and Their Generations: Studies and Commentaries on the Hansen Thesis After Fifty Years, Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1990, pp. viii-222.

Kivisto, Peter, The Ethnic Enigma. The Salience of Ethnicity for European-Origin Groups, Philadelphia, the Balch Institute Press e Associated University Presses, 1989, pp. 183 (Ferdinando Fasce, 4).

Kleinberg, S. J., The Shadow of the Mills: Working-Class Families in Pittsburgh, 1870-1907, Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1989, pp. xxv.

Klocker, Natascha, Head, Lesley M., Dun, Olivia V., and Spaven, Tess, «Experimenting with agricultural diversity: Migrant Knowledge as a Resource for Climate Change Adaptation», Journal of Rural Studies, 57, 2018, pp. 13-24.

Klopp, Charles (ed.), Bele Antiche Stòrie: Writing, Borders, and the Instability of Identity. Trieste, 1719-2007, New York, Bordighera Press, 2008, pp. 239, $ 25.

Krase, Jerome e Charles, LaCerra, Ethnicity and Machine Politics, University Press of America, Lantham (Md), 1991, pp. xv-259 (Anna Maria Martellone, 13).

Krase, Jerome e DeSena, Judith N., Italian-Americans in a Multicultural Society, New York, Forum Italicum, 1994, pp. 302.

Krase, Jerome e Engelman, William (a cura di), The Melting Pot and Beyond: Italian Americans in the Year 2000, Atti del XVIII convegno annuale dell’Aiha, 7-9 novembre 1985, Staten Island, New York, Aiha, 1987 (Patrizia Audenino, 3).

Krase, Jerome e Frank Sorrentino (a cura di), The Review of Italian American Studies, Moscow (ID), Lexington Books, 2000, pp. 456.

Kristeva, Julia, Stranieri a se stessi, Milano, Feltrinelli, 1990, pp. 179.

Kuitunen, Maddalena, From Caboto to Multiculturalism: A Survey on the Development of Italian in Canada (1497-1997), Toronto (On), Frank Iacobucci Center for Italian Canadian Studies, Soleil Publishing, 1997.

Kuttel, Mireille, Come sa di sale, Cavallermaggiore, Gribaudo, 1992 (Lidia Cravero, 9).

Kuttel, Mireille, La Rizière, Losanna, L’Age d’Homme, 1993, pp. 147.

Kuttel, Mireille, Un balcon sur la mer, Lausanne, L’age d’homme, 1990, pp. 182 (Paola Corti, 5).

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